The Mid Island Pinball League is taking off. We are hosting multiple tournaments a month and are currently alternating the host locations of WiffleGames store and Wizards Arcade in Chemainus and Black Diamond Antiques in Cedar for weekly tournaments.
These tournaments are sanctioned by the IFPA and will award players points! The more points players accumulate the more likely they are able to participate in the Vancouver Island Championships and Provincials! Although there are points awarded this is still about having a fun and enjoyable experience with like minded people who all have a common passion for the silver ball.
Keep up to date with our Upcoming events by visiting this page, subscribing to our email list and following our Facebook Page.
Send email to: midislandpinball@gmail.com and/or click the Facebook link above to start following now.
The MPL strives to provide a welcoming, fun and friendly experience to all who participate. Everyone is welcome. Participants should also read and be aware of the code of conduct which is at the bottom of this page.
We are looking forward to what the future holds for the MPL. Building our community of pinheads and our network is crucial to the health and vitality of pinball. If you are located southern Vancouver Island there is also a pinball league in Victoria! Check out www.victoriapinball.com

Wizards Arcade
9790 Willow Street Chemainus
Located in the
Chemainus Public Market

Vancouver Island Pinball Expo
The Mid Island Pinball League is excited to announce the first ever Vancouver Island Pinball Expo! The event will be located at 2388 Cedar Road at the Community Hall just South of Nanaimo. We will be showcasing over 60 pinball machines from the 1960’s to present day. The Expo will run for three days, Friday September 29th, Saturday September 30th and Sunday October 1st 2023. Each day will be filled with pinball! With a family free play area and multiple IFPA Sanctioned tournaments with a variety of formats.
This family friendly event will be offering food trucks, sponsored prizes, a silent auction, beer gardens and more! The Vancouver Island Pinball Expo hopes to make this a yearly event! With your support we can make that a reality that grows every year! Go to the website now to order your tickets and familiarize yourself with the weekends schedule, accommodations, rules and more!
Click this link to learn more VIPinballExpo.com

Mid-Island Pinball Code of Conduct:
Personal Conduct
Players are expected to treat fellow league members, staff of the establishments in which we meet and the machines that we play in a respectful manner. Conduct including but not limited to the following will not be tolerated:
acts of intimidation or threats
distracting or harassing players
public intoxication
slamming the glass or the machine
derogatory language
intense odours & strong fragrances can be a health issue to some with scent sensitivities, we ask that participants take this into consideration as well as basic bodily hygiene.
Absences / Delays
Players should remain close to the pinball machines during league play. Any player not present to play their ball will be given 3 minutes to return to their machine. If the player does not return within 3 minutes their ball will be plunged. Repeat absences may result in an immediate plunge of ball.
If a personal matter requires you to step away from play please inform your group and if necessary a league official so that they are aware.
Death Saves / Bang Backs / Excessive Movement
Movement of the machine after a ball has drained to perform a “Death Save” or “Bang Back” to return a ball to play is not allowed. Any player who performs this maneuver will receive a warning and is to drain their ball immediately. Failing to immediately drain could result in a disqualification for that game and a score of 0. Repeat warnings can result in a disqualification in that season or tournament and assigning the player to last place in the standings.
Note: a “Lazarus Ball” that goes down the center drain but hops back into play by it’s own momentum is permitted.
Moving a machine so that it becomes unlevel or disoriented such that it puts other players at risk of tilting to continue to play will result in game disqualification and a score of 0. Movement of a machine (ie: sliding) such that it comes in close contact of a machine beside it is also prohibited. The game will be restored to a level state with any warnings/tilts/tilt-throughs incurred by other players handled appropriately.
Game Malfunctions
Any malfunction of a game that deems it unfit for play should be reported to a league official so that it can be fixed or retired from play.
Malfunctions that result in an advantage to a player, such as a stuck ball or a ball returned to the shooter lane, should be reasonably attempted to be returned to play. If this is not possible, the player is to immediately trap any live balls and inform a league official whom will take appropriate action to safely free the affected
Violations and Enforcement
We ask all league members to be aware of the Code of Conduct and to report any violations to league officials so it can be evaluated and addressed as soon as possible. Matters that are deemed to contravene our guidelines will result in a formal warning. Repeated violations could lead to temporary or permanent suspension from league activities.